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About Us

We were Disabled by Society, but now we are part of the solution.

Mission Statement

How It All Started

Our Values




Stick people representing visible and non visible disabilities.

What We Do

Our bespoke consulting, training, e-learning, and policy & strategy development solutions support organisations in creating inclusive products, services, environments, processes, policies, and culture. Helping them to attract, retain, and engage Disabled candidates, clients, customers, and service users.

Why Choose Us?

With over 55+ years of combined lived experience of Disability our award winning team know all too well what it means to be Disabled by Society.

Combining that lived experience with our professional expertise in law, policy, recruitment, workplace cultures, DEI and Disability we are positioned to help you transform exclusion to inclusion.    

We Recognise

We Care

We‘re Personal

We Make It Easy

We Partner

Our Multi Award Winning Co-Founders

Celia Chartres-Aris (She/Her)

Celia smiling at someone to the left as she holds a mic at a Disability event.

Jamie Shields (He/Him)

Jamie speaking at Disability Expo.

Free Consultation

Not sure where to start? Book a free, no obligation consultation today!

Celia's arm is around Jamie and hers around him. They're serving bestie Co Founding Disabled Directors.

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