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Celia's arm is around Jamie and hers around him. They're serving bestie energy

Celia will be ‘running’ the London marathon alongside her incredible ‘pushers’ Heloise Hoare and Harry Clements in a bright pink wheelchair dressed as a giant heart to raise awareness for LDS, heart conditions in young people, rare diseases, and to raise as much money as possible for the incredible work of BHF.

The British Heart Foundation are the biggest funders of research into heart and circulatory diseases in Europe. They help find cures and treatments to give people more time with loved ones, shape policies and awareness and give people like me hope for the future.

We Create Content To Change The Way People Think, Learn & View Disability

An Unlearning Ableism graphic called Unlearning Ableism is. Below the title 12 statements with clipart which read: Taking Accountability. Challenging Beliefs. Removing Bias. Taking Ownership. Understanding Intersectionality. Passing The Mic. Recognising Privilege. Changing Language. Speaking Up. Educating Others. Self-Reflection. Unlearning Behaviours

Unlearning Ableism

An Unlearning Ableism graphic called, Ableism We Need To Unlearn In Education. Below 12 statements accompanied by clipart. They read: Segregation. Discrimination. Stereotyping. Inaccessible Barriers. Not Enough Resources. Not Enough Support. Lack of Awareness. Inadequate Funding. Labelled as Special. Inadequate Staff Training. One Size Fits All Teaching. Inaccessible Learning Materials.

Ableism We Need To
Unlearn In Education

An Unlearning Ableism graphic called Unlearning Ableism is. Below the title 12 statments with clipart which read: Education. Listening. Reflection. Empathy. Flexibility. Advocacy. Openness. Accountability. Growth. Respect. Action.

Unlearning Ableism

An Unlearning Ableism called, Ableist Assumptions. Below the title are 12 statements with clipart which read: Assumes Disability is a Tragedy. Erases Intersectionality. Focuses Only on Limitations. Disregards Individual Needs. Seeks to "Fix" Rather Than Accept. Denies Disabled People's Expertise. Views Disability as Inherently Negative. Implies Disabled Lives Are Less Valuable. Views Disabled People as Burdens. Assumes Everyone Experiences Disability the Same. Normalises Paternalistic Attitudes. Expects Disabled People to "Overcome".


An Unlearning Ableism graphic called, How Ableism Can Make Us Feel. Below the title 12 statements with clipart which read: Alienated. Isolated. Frustrated. Angry. Nervous. Excluded. Oppressed. Undervalued. Embarrassed. Overlooked. Anxious. Unseen.

How Ableism Can Make
Us Feel

An Unlearning Ableism graphic called Everyday Ableism We Need To Unlearn. Below the title 9 statements with accompanying clipart, they read: Telling us how to self-identify. Creating inaccessible barriers. Telling us we don’t look it. Thinking we need saving. Making assumptions. Believing Disability is only visible. Speaking down to us. Using outdated language. Not inviting us to the table.

Everyday Ableism We
Need To Unlearn

An Unlearning Ableism graphic called, Your Privilege Is Showing: Things Not To Say When Learning About Ableism. Below the title 9 statements accompanied by clipart. They read: This Is Rubbish. You’re Too Sensitive. Stop Policing People. Stop Being Offended. You’re Woke. You’re Censoring People. You’re Stupid. You People Are Never Happy.

Your Privilege
Is Showing

An Unlearning Ableism graphic called, Ableism isn't one thing. Below the title are 12 statements accompanied with clip which read: Inaccessibility. Behaviours. Lack of Representation. Language. Lack of Opportunity. Attitudes. Exclusion. Stereotypes. Segregation. Bias. Beliefs. Discrimination.

Ableism Isn’t One
Thing It Is

An Unlearning Ableism graphic called Challenging Ableism Does Not Make Us. Below the title clipart and text statements read: Sensitive. Dramatic. Over The Top. Problematic. Negative. Easily Offended. Divisive. Unreasonable. A subheading reads, It Is: Empowering. Courageous. Unity. Inclusive. Allyship. Respectful. Progressive. Necessary.

Challenging Ableism
Does Not Make Us

An Unlearning Ableism graphic called, Ableist Policies We Need To Unlearn. Below the title 12 statements with clipart, the statements read : Not Consulting Disabled People. Lack of Representation in Leadership. Lack of Ableism and Disability Training. Unrepresentative Feedback and HR Frameworks. No Sustainable Long-Term Disability Strategies. Current Policies Rooted In Ableism. Inadequate Adjustment Processes. Inaccessible Working Environments. Inequitable. Progression Frameworks. No Representative Feedback Groups. No Accountability for Accessibility. No Disability Management Scheme.

Ableist Policies We
Need To Unlearn

An Unlearning Ableism graphic called, Unlearning Ableism Is Uncomfortable, But So Is.... Below 12 statements with clipart which read: Being Excluded. Inaccessible Barriers. Bias. Judgement. Being Patronised. Being Spoken Down To. Being Treated Like Less. Being Discriminated. Being Silenced. Being The Punchline. Having Your Needs Ignored. Being Overlooked. Navigating A World Not Built For You

Unlearning Ableism Is Uncomfortable, But So Is

An Unlearning Ableism graphic called, Ableist Beliefs We Need To Unlearn: Below are 12 statements with stick person clipart accompanying them. They read: Disabled People Can’t Enjoy Life. Disabled Needs Are "Special". Disability Is Only Physical. Disability Can Always Be Seen. Disabled People Are Lazy. Disabled People Are A Burden. Non-Visible Disability Is Less Disabling. Disabled People Aren’t Capable. Disability Defines A Person. Disabled People Need Fixing. Disabled People Need Saving. Disabled People Need To Try Harder.

Ableist Beliefs We
Need To Unlearn

An Unlearning Ableism graphic. The title reads Don't let your interaction be ableist. Please don’t: Touch us without consent. Ignore us and talk to the person we are. Talk to us like we don’t understand. Speak for us. Ignore our accessibility requests. Assume what we need. Assume our capabilities. Act surprised when we self-identify. Tell us how to self-identify.

Don’t Let Your Interaction
Be Ableist

An Unlearning Ableism graphic. The title reads “How Ableism Shows Up In The Workplace:” Below 12 circles with stick people clipart and a statement, they read: Unsupportive Managers. Insufficient Training. Inadequate Adjustment Process. Outdated Policies. Inaccessible Processes. No Representation. One-Size Fits-All KPIs. Ignoring Intersectionality. Outdated Language. Exclusionary Promotion Criteria. Toxic Culture. Accessibility an Afterthought.

How Ableism Shows Up
In The Workplace

An Unlearning Ableism graphic. The title reads “Someone self-identified, what should I do?” Below are 12 statements and circles accompanied by text and a piece of stick person clipart, they read: Thank them. Don’t assume. Don’t correct their language. Be respectful. Don’t ask what happened. Don’t say they can’t be. Ask preferred communication. Be patient. Be flexible. Ask if they have access needs. Treat them as a person. Be open.

Someone self-identified,
what should I do?

An Unlearning Ableism graphic. The title reads, “How To Start Unlearning Ableism:” Below are 12 circles with clipart inside and a statement, written below, they read: Acknowledge privilege. Be Curious. Follow Disabled people. Ask questions. Listen. Self-learning. Attend trainings/ workshops. Read a book/ blog. Self-reflection. Stream a podcast. Be open to unlearning. Be an ally, not a saviour.

How To Start
Unlearning Ableism

An Unlearning Ableism graphic. The title reads, “Before Unlearning Ableism there are a few things we need to know.” Below 12 statements accompanied by clipart. They read: Mistakes will happen. It's okay to be wrong. Disabled needs are human needs. Acknowledge privilege. Be curious, not patronizing. Listen to Disabled voices. Don’t decide for us. Use privilege to influence change. Nothing about us without us. Everyone is not a little Disabled. Language is complex. We're all learning

Things You Need To Know
Before Unlearning Ableism

An Unlearning Ableism graphic. The title reads, “When we say some language is ableist, we mean it...” Reinforces Stereotypes. Undermines Confidence. Perpetuates Stigma. Dehumanises People. Fuels Social Isolation. Diminishes Lived Experiences. Assumes Inability. Creates Trauma. Promotes Pity. Marginalises People. Disregards Autonomy. Stigmatises Differences.

When we say some language
is ableist, we mean it…

Disabled By Society Graphics

Coming Soon!

Make It Bespoke!

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Celia's arm is around Jamie and hers around him. They're serving bestie energy